A work is documented as screencast of the computerscreen displaying the artwork, and at least one camera documenting the user ‘using‘ the artwork.
These documentations must be uploaded to youtube with the exact length, and same title, separated from each other by numbers as #1, #2..
Use the form below and paste it in the description field on youtube.Fill in the information about the artwork as shown in the example.
This video is part of the documentation project at &
title = "...."
creator = "pre name surname"
date of creation = "YYYYMMDD"
source = "" // since 1993
type = "...."
content = "...."
source = "
source = ""
creator = "fill in here: name of archiver"
date of archiving = "YYYYMMDD"
computer model: "...."
source = "" // URL to description of models
monitor model: "...."
Operating System: "...."
Browser (version): "...."
source = "" //URL to description used software